Texbrasil companies join an Innovation Mission in Portugal



From October 2 to 6, four companies affiliated to Texbrasil – Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program, the result of a partnership between Abit and Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency) – took part in an innovation mission to the City of Porto, in Portugal. Those companies are: Digitale TêxtilCataguasesRhodia and RVB Malhas. That action was organized by CITEVE (Technological Center for the Portuguese Textile and Apparel Industry) and counted on the Texbrasil Program’s support.

Functionality, technology and sustainability are the main global trends for textile products and were also the guiding principles of that mission, in which Brazilian businessmen were able to view, learn and discuss innovative processes and products following an agenda that involved training with renowned international consultants and visits to the most innovative Portuguese companies. The mission also included visits to the 6th EURATEX Convention, a confederation that is the voice of the European textile and apparel industry, to textile trade fair MODtissimo, and to the Porto Fashion Week.

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abit, Cataguases, Digitale Têxtil, Missão de Inovação, Rhodia, RVB Malhas, texbrasil