Dirt Pattern Material: A New Kind of Camouflage


Stockholm-based creative studio Mair / Wennel turns accidental, everyday spills into a new kind of camouflage. Whether it’s a pen leak, a ketchup blob, a bloody nose, you name it, they show that it doesn’t have to be a tragedy that leads to the discarding of a beloved clothing item.
Using a selection of the most common stains from everyday life, the duo created the artistic camouflage, named Dirt Pattern Material, as a way to hide the spills of the past.
By overlapping the stains, it quickly becomes a work of art. The nature of the design allows for additional “accidents” to happen letting the pattern continue to evolve over time.

Posted by Caroline Williamson on 07.27.15 in Art, Main, Style + Fashion
Dirt Pattern Material: A New Kind of Camouflage
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