IAF 2017: Abit holds brand new edition of international fashion convention



For the first time, Brazil will host the upcoming edition of the International Apparel Federation (IAF) convention, on October 17 and 18, in Rio de Janeiro. Abit will be in charge of holding the event, whose theme is “Compliance and Technology – key factors for industry and retail.” The IAF is the only federation in the world that has relationships with apparel associations in over 60 countries, including the USA, India, China, Germany, France, Italy, South Korea and Taiwan.

The Brazilian edition is the 33rd convention, with around 400 people expected to attend, 30% from abroad and 70% domestically, including executives, representatives from the top companies in the industry and organizations, authorities, scholars, students, researchers and the press. Registrations will be opened for the event in March.

The congress will have six panels covering the following topics: “Vision of the Industry and of Retail on Social and Environmental Compliance,” “Government and Institutional Actions on International Compliance Demands,” “The Influence of Social and Environmental Responsibility in the End Consumer’s Purchase Decisions,” “The Challenges of the Industry in Transitioning to the Industry 4.0 Model,” “The Impacts of New Technologies on Retail Operations” and “What Does the Fashion Consumer Really Want?” There will be a total of 18 speakers, six moderators and two keynote speakers.

Every year, a conference is organized in an IAF member country, with the overriding goal of discussing topics of great significance to the apparel production chain, such as its relations with the textile industry, with retail and with the communities where its production units are located.

Last year’s convention was held in Mumbai, India. Now it is Brazil’s turn, as the fourth largest apparel producer in the world as well as the fifth largest textile manufacturer, with the largest integrated production chain in the western world. Every year, 9.8 billion items are manufactured in the country, with around 5.5 billion being apparel items.

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abit, IAF, Indústria brasileira, Indústria Têxtil