Brazilian brands participate in Who’s Next and Première Classe tradeshows in Paris

From October 2nd to 4th, the Who’s Next and Première Classe tradeshows took place in Paris. The event in the city of the lights had the participation of two Brazilian brands supported by Fashion Label Brasil and Texbrasil, internationalization programs of ABEST and Abit (Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association), in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency).
The brands that took part are DOTZ, from Fashion Label Brasil, in Première Classe; and Rio de Sol, from Texbrasil, in Who’s Next.
Even with the pandemic, the events happened in a physical manner, but obey the security recommendations of the French government. Thus, no more than 1,000 people were allowed in the same surroundings, and everyone kept a distance on-site. The use of masks was also mandatory, as well as the distribution of alcohol gel.
According to the CEO of Brazilian swimwear brand Rio de Sol, Gian Guatteri, the tradeshow is an opportunity to expand the market in Europe. He also points out that, because of the pandemic, he believes that the audience of this edition is mostly French. The brand took to the event its Spring/Summer 2021 collection.
About Fashion Label Brasil
Fashion Label Brasil, the Brazilian Value-Added Fashion Internationalization Program, was created in 2003 by ABEST in partnership with Apex-Brasil, whose aim is to position the image of Brazilian fashion abroad, adding value to the image of Brazil as an innovative and contemporary country. The program includes strategic as well as special initiatives to further penetration in new international markets and strengthen relations with those where there is already a presence.
About Texbrasil
The Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program (Texbrasil) works with companies in the textile and apparel sector developing strategies to conquer the global market. Over nearly 20 years, it has helped around 1500 brands to enter the export trail, making USD 9 billion in business. The Program is held by Abit in a partnership with the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).
Created in 2003, the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers works to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion. Its main purpose is to help develop Brazilian brands with international scope and ensure the authenticity and creativity of each one of them, as well as to promote the Brazilian lifestyle, contributing to the growth of all the fashion segments. Currently, the non-profit ABEST has 122 brands from all over Brazil that export products to 57 countries. In addition, it is constantly carrying out strategic actions to increase penetration in new markets around the world and to strengthen relations with markets already conquered.
About Abit
The Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (Abit), founded in 1957, is one of the most important entities among the economic sectors of the country. It represents the productive force of 25.2 thousand companies located across the country, companies of all sizes that collectively employ over 1.5 million workers and generate annual revenues of US$ 48.3 billion.
About Apex-Brasil
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) work to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investments to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. To achieve its objectives, Apex-Brasil carries out diversified actions of commercial promotion aimed at promoting exports and enhancing the value of Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and commercial missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand.
Rio de Sol, Who's Next