Brazilian event DFB Festival reinvents itself with online edition

The traditional Brazilian event Dragão Fashion, now called DFB Festival, has announced a fully digital edition, which started on June 1st, and lasts until July 19th. The fashion event that was to take place in Fortaleza in May was one of many cancellations due to the pandemic of the new Coronavirus.
In an effort to bring new trends to the fore and demonstrate Brazil’s cultural diversity, the event has decided to reinvent itself. The DFB is known as a platform for artists from various fields and will also keep the DNA in digital actions that are accessible on the social networks of the event or on the website The festival promotes access to new talents and covers various segments of the spheres of fashion, culture, education, and entrepreneurship.
“The entire planning of the DFB DigiFest was designed taking into account those who are most in need of assistance during this crisis, namely designers, students, artists, micro-entrepreneurs or restaurant that had its activities affected and its revenue compromised says Cláudio Silveira, event’s general director.
Among the actions developed, is the donation of protective masks in social risks areas in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza. The masks have the exclusive prints of 12 designers and brands from Ceará: Água de Coco, Baba, David Lee, Espedito Seleiro, Gisela Franck, Ivanildo Nunes, Jeferson Ribeiro, Kallil Nepomuceno, Lindebergue Fernandes, Melk Z-da, Vitorino Campos and Wagner Kallieno.
In addition to the donation, DFB DigiFest will also distribute a total of BRL35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand reais) in cash prizes, contemplating talents deeply impacted by the pandemic.
In 2019, DFB Festival brought together, in four days, over 42 thousand people, who take part in parades, shows, workshops, entrepreneurship and gastronomy tradeshow.
DFB Festival