Camu Camu wants to take Brazilian children’s fashion to the world with Texbrasil

The brand Camu Camu is the newest addition of Texbrasil (Program for the Internationalization of the Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry) — the result of a partnership between Abit (Brazilian Association of the Textile and Apparel Industry) and Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency).
Dedicated exclusively to children’s apparel, the company was born in 1974, still as Confecções Scudeler. It was in 2006 that it became Camu Camu, which today has its own factory in the interior of the state of São Paulo, with a production capacity of 10,000 pieces per month.
With the participation in Texbrasil, the brand intends to restart its export process, with a focus on the United States. “Our goal is to develop the foreign market and seek partners in each new market”, comments Josiane Scudeler, responsible for the company’s marketing.
The Program’s first support for the brand will be at the Couture Trading showroom, which works with e-commerce and physical space in North American lands. Today, in addition to its own online store, Camu Camu operates in multi-brand children’s stores throughout the country.
To meet the demand for children’s clothing, Josiane explains that the company develops two main collections in the year, spring/summer and autumn/winter, in addition to capsules throughout the period. “Each main collection has approximately 240 items. The capsules have about 30 items per launch”, she explains.
About Texbrasil
The Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program (Texbrasil) works with companies in the textile and apparel sector to develop strategies to conquer the global market. Over 20 years, it has helped around 1600 brands enter the export path, making USD 9 billion in business. The Program is carried out through a partnership between Abit and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency(Apex-Brasil).
Camu Camu, childresn fashion, Couture Trading