Cedro manufactures fire-retardant fabric in partnership with Rhodia

Manufacturer of denim and professional clothes, the company Cedro has just launched a line of products, which aim at occupational health and safety , in partnership with Rhodia. The brands gave rise to the Super light Cedrotech line, fire-retardant fabric, produced with the Proban chemistry technology. Able to repel heat of the flames and of the electric arc, the fabric has solar protection factor 50 and ensures thermal resistance after 100 washes. The fabric is targeted exclusively to security uniforms.According to the President of the Cedro, Aguinaldo Diniz Filho, the novelty is a new trend of the country’s investment in professional equipment: “with the development of technologies such as Cedrotech, we value the Brazilian industry in the international arena”.

During the release of the Super light Cedrotech line, the global Director of Rhodia, John Ray was also present. The businessman said that the development and product testing took about two years. “We will continue providing technical assistance to Cedro in order to expand the market of professional clothes also in Brazil,” he assures.

abit, Apex, Cedro, Rhodia, texbrasil