Companies take part in the +Estampa Project at the Inspiramais show

The S/S 2016 edition of Inspiramais (Design and Innovative Materials Showroom), taking place from January 13 to 14 in Sao Paulo, will feature new talent participating in the +Estampa (+Print) Project. Aimed at publicizing their creative potential, the designers have designed exclusive patterns, created based on the trends shown at this season’s Inspirations Forum.DB RainbowCapim PuroNatural Cotton Color and 02 Gatos are the design studios from Texbrasil (Brazilian Fashion Industry Internationalization Program, developed by Abit in partnership with Apex-Brasil) that will show their creations at the Project, which also includes participation from the finalist designers from Movimento Hotspot: Marina Reboucas and Renato de Melo Medeiros.

Lucius Vilar, the Project coordinator, points out that the international textile scene is facing daily transformations and that major companies need people to innovate in products and processes. “The brands that are part of the textile chain are not able to continually seek out innovation. With the +Estampa Project, we are looking to fulfill this major market demand by offering qualified and original manpower,” he says in closing.

02 Gatos, Capim Puro, DB Rainbow, Inspiramais, Natural Cotton Color