With its production turned upon the dubbing footwear sector, Delta began its activities in December 2003 on the city of Maranguape/CE. However, enthused by a local client, the board of directors noticed a gap in the market. This observation was a starting point to a new economic activity. This way, the organization took a new course, switching completely the focal product on 2004, allowing an investment in the manufacture and commercialization of lingerie bulges and the manufacture of foam and fabric. With a thorough control of the raw material for the development of the product and hence with an inborn full-quality-philosophy in its DNA, Delfa was born with an initial goal of complying with the Ceará market, one of the biggest lingerie poles in the country.
The year of 2005 stood out as an ascending year, since Delfa settled its first prompt delivery service in the Brazilian southeast, specifically in the city of Nova Friburgo, on the Rio de Janeiro state – one of the main lingerie poles in the Brazilian market. Due to the settlement of this distribution center, Delfa approaches and boosts its treatment with clients, henceforth becoming more effective in the market .
The steady growth of Delfa allowed the fulfillment of a new goal in September 2007: the new settlement of a wide and fully modernized industrial park in the city of Maracanaú/CE. This installation allowed the doubling of the productive load, a fact that enabled the commercial expansion of Delfa products so they could be commercialized countrywide and in all South America. Within the manufacturing structure, Delfa presents a new concept of product design, developing an approach firmed with excellence, innovation and technology, always with the full commitment to the search of new forms, functions and uses of its know-how. This pledge seeks to fulfill other fashion segment’s needs in a way that strengths the lingerie and beachwear segments.
In 2009, the Brazilian southeast was once again contemplated. São Paulo was chosen to host Delfa’s showroom. Meanwhile, in the same year, Delfa makes a presentation on Salão Moda Brasil (Brazil’s Fashion Salon). The exhibition of Delfa’s mix of products poses an strategically purpose: to bring support an personalized service, reinforcing the focus upon the client and positioning the brand in the market.
Aware of the economic growth and the market’s expansion, Delfa settles yet another distribution center. The city chosen now was Goiânia, regarded as another lingerie producing hub on rise in the Midwest of Brazil. Doing so, the organization aims to develop an agile service and a constant presence of Delfa brand among its customers.
2013 is the year of the consolidation of Delfa’s products and branding. With ten years of commercial experience in the Brazilian market, the organizations sets to keep the growing curve with the opening of another industrial park, now in the south of Bahia Estate. The settlement aims to broaden Delfa’s production meaningly and to answer faster to the Southern, Southeastern and Midwestern Brazilian customer’s demands.
Nowadays, in the industrial unit of Maracanaú, Delfa provides 700 direct jobs and have a production of 5,000,000 (five million) pairs of bulges per month. The unit is run by highly qualified professionals, always working with the goal of developing a modern product line, bringing avant-garde items to the market, while everyday cultivating the concepts of Quality, Innovation and Technology, also with a constant presence of Delfa’s branding among its stakeholders.