Estúdio Icertain

We are a Studio specializing in development of exclusive prints. Always aware of our customer’s needs, Estúdio Icertain pursues an end result that will stand out in the textile market based on its unique design and the quality of prints, which is why art development includes the most varied surface design techniques, with a focus on handmade designs, such as watercolor, gouache, acrylic paint, India ink, collage and other techniques that allow for interesting combinations in the final art.
The Studio has a collection that is updated weekly, with prints resulting from research on trends and the market, in addition to collections designed according to what we see during our travels and the inspirations around us. Another option is prints customized to the customer’s needs and research.
We add a pinch of technique, a heap of research on trends and the market, generous sprinkles of good taste and a final secret ingredient, a good helping of boldness so we can delight you.