EMI Beachwear launches a summer collab with C&A

The beachwear brand EMI Beachwear, which is part of Texbrasil (Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program), the result of a partnership between Abit (Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association) and Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency), launched a summer collection in partnership with the French retailer C&A.
Created by the designer from Rio de Janeiro Anna Luiza Vasconcellos five years ago, the brand was one of six companies invited to create the “Novos Mares” collection. According to Anna, the invitation was made in March and, since then, she has been developing new prints. The models, on the other hand, were based on the brand’s best-sellers but adapted for C&A’s audience.
“We were very happy with the invitation and recognition. It shows us that we can make partnerships that we never thought,” celebrates Vasconcellos, who already thinks in the global market: “Who knows, we may partner with an international brand,” she comments.
Anna says she used her quarantine as inspiration for the pieces. “I took objects in my house, fruits I like and started making prints,” she explains. In addition to bikinis, especially half-cup models, the collection also includes midi skirts, shirts, and dresses with banana tree prints, plaid, and many colors.
New seas
The “New seas” campaign was born as an invitation for everyone to rediscover and explore the summer from an optimistic point of view, seeking maturity and new experiences. One of the main aspects of the collection is a concern with sustainability, which put EMI on the retailer’s radar when using biodegradable fabrics.
Additionally, all men’s cotton pieces have BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) technology, which is the most sustainable and tracked fabric throughout its production chain, ensuring product quality and veracity.
About Texbrasil
The Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program (Texbrasil) works with companies in the textile and clothing sector developing strategies to conquer the global market. Over almost 20 years, it has helped around 1600 brands to enter the export trail, generating USD 9 billion in business. The Program is carried out through a partnership between Abit and the Brazilian Exports and Investments Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).
cea, emi beachwear, sustainability