IAF | World Fashion Convention - Brazil


The IAF | World Fashion Convention is an annual event that brings together representatives of the main companies in the textile, clothing and retail sector of the various representative entities, as well as authorities, academies, students, researchers from all over the world. Its main objective is to discuss topics of great relevance for the production chain of ready-made ones, as well as their relations with the textile industry, with the retail and with the communities in which the productive units are installed.

In 2017 Brazil was chosen as the country to host the 33rd edition of this event, idealized by the IAF (International Apparel Federation), a global federation that leads garment producers and associations of more than 60 Number of millions of workers worldwide, in partnership with ABIT (Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association), founded in 1957, one of the most important class entities in Brazil, representing companies of all sizes throughout the country, which directly employ 1.5 million people, 75% of them women, and together generate annual Revenues of R $ 131 billion (2015).

The Conformity and Technology: Key Factors for Industry and Retail. National and international speakers will present with the intention of fomenting the discussion, promoting and expanding the knowledge on the subject.

10.09.2018 - 10.10.2017
