Fashion Business and Rio-a-Porter unite forming a new fashion salon


Rio de Janeiro has just won a new fashion salon created with the unification of the two main events of the State: Rio-a-Porter and Fashion Business. The salon will be managed by the Dupla Assessoria Agency and by Escala Eventos, and it has a strategic committee responsible for discussing policy and development issues of fashion in Rio.

The Committee is formed by the State Government of Rio de Janeiro; the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro; the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN); the Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (Abit); the Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae); the National Institute of Fashion and Design (IN-Mod); the Union of Industries of Spinning and Weaving of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Sinditextil-RJ); Sindiroupas; Luminosidade Marketing and Productions; and Dupla Assessoria.

The new salon was created with the aim of strengthening the productive chain of fashion made in Rio, strengthening its potential for movement and generation of business for the industry, resulting in the strategic development of the creative economy. The salon is now strengthened by the unified sum of brands that were part of the Fashion Business and of Rio-a-Porter.

The first edition of the business lounge will be held at the South America  Convention Center from 16 to 19 April, together with Fashion Rio. Under the direction of Luminosidade, the fashion week will present the S/S collection from 15 to 19 April and the A/W collection from 4 to 8 November.

abit, Apex-Brasil, Fashion Rio, Rio A Porter, texbrasil