IAF 2017 kick started in an ambiance of optimism and challenges

The official programming of the 33rd edition of IAF’S World Fashion Convention, held in Brazil for the first time, was kick started on October 17, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), and counted on the honorable attendance of supporters, sponsors and authorities.
Mr. Han Bekke, IAF’S Chairman, reminded all of the challenges facing the apparel industry in Brazil and around the world. “Since 2009, the market has been slowing down. 2017 has been a year of uncertainties, changes and challenges. However, uncertainties may lead to new resources. We can see how that will yield great results and improve the lives of those who work with us. Transparency will increase in our chain. We are united and have been working in a very good industry, facing the challenges, and offering jobs and new products. Let’s carry this message around and convey it to our clients. We know how important this event is, because compliance and technology are fundamental for Brazil.”
Mr. Fernando Pimentel, Chairman of Abit, reasserted the textile production chain’s importance for the Brazilian economy. “It is a great honor and pleasure to welcome IAF’S Convention. The world is changing in parallel to huge technological advancements, and that also had increased civic awareness among consumers, and it is important that they know that our sector is engaged with the cause. This event will be emblematic for our sector. There is a lot we can do together for the industry and for the world,” he claimed.
“It has been an honor for SENAI CETIQT to sponsor this initiative. We would like to emphasize that our doors will always be open to businessmen so they can find state-of-the-art solutions for their companies. We hope we can act together on behalf of the industry so that Brazil can play an increasingly important role in this economic segment,” stressed Mr. Jair Santiago, Technical Director at SENAI CETIQT.
Mrs. Verônica Melo, a Textile Sector analyst at Sebrae Nacional, also talked to those attending the Convention about that Institution’s activities. “Sebrae promotes competitiveness among small businesses. Today we work hard to develop supply chains, where we have been able to certify 70 small enterprises that supply to large companies. We wish to empower small businesses in the business chain and expand our relationship with the industry, always,” she stressed.
“It is a satisfaction for ABDI to be, once again, a partner of Abit, as we have been since 2005. An example of that has been the project to conceptually define the Apparel Industry of the Future, which has led to a publication. We have undertaken studies with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation to map the national and international supply chain in order to develop competitive actions for the sector. We have received in our Country so many delegations, and that certainly helps promoting an event with a rewarding and productive environment,” said Mr. Miguel Nery, director of ABDI – Brazilian Industrial Development Agency.
For Mr. Francisco de Assis Leme Franco, corporate management director at Apex-Brasil, the partnership with Abit through Texbrasil – Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program – has yielded excellent results. “It is an honor to take part in this event representing ambassador Roberto Jaguaribe. We work to promote Brazilian products and services abroad. We have implemented several actions through Texbrasil. We would like to thank you for the partnership, which has taken Brazilian products to more than 50 countries. We would also like to congratulate you for the event and for discussing compliance and technology, since those are issues that will have a large impact on companies. Apex-Brasil itself has been implementing a compliance mechanism.”
Congressman Vanderlei Macris (PSDB/SP), general coordinator of the “José Alencar” Joint Parliamentary Front for Textile and Apparel Industry Development, also attended the event and reasserted his concern and fight for the textile and apparel sector. “I have known this economic segment for more than 40 years and I know how they deal with the daily problems they have to face, but with great resolve they have been able to keep working with a positive mindset and a lot of hard work. We will pay a lot of attention at the National Congress to the results of the discussions held during the event in order to implement actions on behalf of the sector,” revealed Mr. Macris.
As for Brigadier Medeiros, who represented the Minister of Defense, Mr. Marcos Pereira, who could not attend the ceremony. “The issues discussed in the event will leverage and project our industry. In addition to lectures, the most important thing is networking, which is an opportunity to debate with foreign delegations and to aggregate value. We have no doubt it will be a successful event.”
Despite not being able to physically attend IAF’S Convention opening ceremony, the Minister of Defense, Mr. Marcos Pereira, sent a video with positive messages. “We know how relevant the textile industry is for Brazil and the world. I would like to praise the industry for generating jobs, and this year alone more than 24 thousand jobs have been created. That shows the strength and social commitment the segment has assumed towards the Brazilian economy.” Senator Dalirio Beber (PSDB-SC), coordinator of the “José Alencar” Joint Parliamentary Front for Textile and Apparel Industry Development, also sent a message to participants. “The most interesting thing in this initiative is to discuss new technologies and that which must be done so Brazil can continue to be competitive. We at the Congress will be at your disposal to act and enable job generation and to contribute to this sector,” he highlighted.
abit, IAF, IAF Brasil