Karsten completes 130 years with focus on innovation
With a branch in Maracanau, metropolitan region of Ceara, Karsten has 3,200 employees and produces about 2 million meters of fabric per month. Two years ago, the company incorporated the company Trussardi from Sao Paulo to its portfolio.
Concerned about the environment, members of Development team of Karsten are creating ecosystem protection projects through its Environmental Management Policy. With such type of actions, the team receives awards for preservation. Still focused on sustainability, the company runs the program “Programa de Bem com a Natureza (In tune with nature)” that seeks partnerships with schools, staff and the community to interact with nature, conciliating attitudes of preservation, development, education and quality of life.
Karsten is a participating undertaking of Texbrasil (Brazilian Fashion Industry Export Program), developed by Abit in partnership with Apex-Brasil, Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency.