Texbrasil brands bring in USD 570,000 through participation at Vendôme


The team at Texbrasil (the Brazilian Fashion Industry Internationalization Program, developed by Abit in partnership with Apex-Brasil) is celebrating the excellent results of the Vivaz, Mabel Magalhaes, Patricia Bonaldi and AnaMaria Couture brands at the 20th Vendôme Luxury, in Paris. The luxury showroom was held from September 27 to 30, at three locations in the French capital, allowing Brazilian labels supported by the Program to bring in USD 570,000 in sales. Another USD 560,000 is expected over the next 12 months.

“The excellent performance at this 20th edition is proof of the success of our strategy with the brands. We chose Vendôme because it is a showroom of unquestionable quality, known for its desirable location and the fact that it takes place at the same time as Paris Fashion Week, with sales only increasing with each season,” says Rafael Cervone, the CEO of Texbrasil.

abit, Apex-Brasil, texbrasil, Vendôme Luxury