Texbrasil brands present results of participation in Première Vision Paris


The Première Vision Paris Trade Show for insums and printing took place at the end of September in hybrid format with the participation of six brands from Texbrasil (Internationalization Program of the Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry) — the result of a partnership between Abit (Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association) and Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency). 

The companies Natural Cotton Color, Savyon and Moltec participated in the physical and digital versions, while Ecosimple, Oficina Caramelo and Sense Studio are present only virtually.

Together, the brands held more than USD 500,000 between deals made at the event and the prospect for the next 12 months. In addition, the companies gained 148 new contacts with potential buyers. 

The option for the hybrid format can include both French and European brands, as well as countries that still undergo restrictions for international travel. “Gradually events begin to return to the physical format, but the digital reality will remain present in companies. Therefore, it is important that the events have the possibility to display the brands digitally”, comments the executive manager of Texbrasil, Lilian Kaddissi. 

The next edition of the French event is already confirmed and will take place between February 8th and 10th, 2022. 


One of the characteristics of Première Vision is precisely to anticipate trends for the coming seasons, with the September edition for 22-23 autumn/winter. The theme was based on the possibility of coming together again after a long period of isolation and brought in its conception aspects such as connection and co-creation. 

The colors of the season represent energy and power, combining textures and luminosity. The show highlights glitter, metallics and velvets as trends for the season, as well as colors such as graphite and purplish tones, balancing energetic intensity and familiar tones.

About Texbrasil

The Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program (Texbrasil) works with companies in the textile and apparel sector developing strategies to conquer the global market. Over 20 years, it has helped nearly 1600 brands get on the export trail, doing USD 9 billion in business. The Program is carried out through a partnership between Abit and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).