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Tranoi: delegation of 11 Brazilian brands arrives in Paris

From September 28 to October 1, a Brazilian delegation of 11 brands will be in the French capital for Tranoi, an event being held in parallel with Paris Fashion Week.… +

From September 28 to October 1, a Brazilian delegation of 11 brands will be in the French capital for Tranoi, an event being held in parallel with Paris Fashion Week.… +


Ecofante, Natural Cotton Color and Juliana Geaverd take part in Portugal’s Modtissimo show

On September 26 and 27, three Brazilian brands are showing their collections at the Modtissimo show, in Porto, Portugal. Ecofante, Natural Cotton Color and Juliana Geaverd, members of Texbrasil (Brazilian… +

On September 26 and 27, three Brazilian brands are showing their collections at the Modtissimo show, in Porto, Portugal. Ecofante, Natural Cotton Color and Juliana Geaverd, members of Texbrasil (Brazilian… +


Texbrasil en el Linkedin: siga el Programa y reciba las novedades sobre las nuevas acciones

Ahora, el Texbrasil (Programa de Internacionalización de la Industria Textil y de la Moda Brasileña), resultado de un asocio entre Abit (Asociación Brasileña de la Industria Textil y de Confección)… +

Ahora, el Texbrasil (Programa de Internacionalización de la Industria Textil y de la Moda Brasileña), resultado de un asocio entre Abit (Asociación Brasileña de la Industria Textil y de Confección)… +


Fashion report published by Pinterest points to top global trends

In late August, the Pinterest trends platform released a global fashion report with an interesting result that could help the export strategies of brands which are members of Texbrasil (Brazilian… +

In late August, the Pinterest trends platform released a global fashion report with an interesting result that could help the export strategies of brands which are members of Texbrasil (Brazilian… +


Premiere Vision Paris: Brazilian companies attend event

  From September 19 to 21, a Brazilian delegation will be in the French capital for the second edition of 2018 of Premiere Vision Paris. The group includes ten companies… +

  From September 19 to 21, a Brazilian delegation will be in the French capital for the second edition of 2018 of Premiere Vision Paris. The group includes ten companies… +